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Dobbeltløpet pistol England 1750 D1264
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Pris 1088,-
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Dobbeltløpet pistol fra England, ca 1750. Løpet dreies rundt 180 grader når første skudd er avfyrt. Lengde 33 cm, vekt 1000 gram.

Alle våpenkopier fra Denix er laget i en zink-legering som gir samme vekt og størrelse  som originalene. All mekanisme fungerer som på originalene. De kan IKKE skytes med (heller ikke løs-krutt) og heller ikke bygges om til å skytes med. Kun til dekorasjon og samling. Det er ikke lov å bære våpenkopier på offentlig sted. Husk at bare synet av et våpen kan virke skremmende på mange og at event. misbruk av våpenkopier straffes på lik linje med vanlige våpen.

Reproduction of the 2 barrel flintlock pistol originally manufactured by W. Bailes. Made of metal with plastic grips in ivory imitation, with simulated mechanism of charge and firing.

Flintlock pistols, one of the most commonly used firearms by the pirates in the eighteenth century, had a flint or flint stone, which when it was triggered by the hammer produced the spark that ignited the gunpowder. All these guns required to be ammo reload manually after each shot. The ammunition, which was introduced through the mouth of the barrel, consisted of gunpowder, projectile and a paper wad, which served as a cap to keep the two previous materials compressed inside the barrel.

In combat, generally these weapons were used for a single shot, since the method of reloading was very slow and it was not usually time to recharge. Therefore the fighters after shooting were forced to draw their sabers or swords or to use the pistol as a club if they could not recharge it in time.

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